Reduce Abandoned Carts on
Woocommerce Using WhatsApp

  • Reach 1000s Of Opted-In Users
  • Collaborate With Team Members Via Our Shared Team Inbox
  • Reduce fake orders by verifying Orders with an OTP
  • Allow users to login via OTP
  • Automate Store Notifications
  • Reduce Cart Abandonment And Increase Lost Revenues

Integrate your Woocommerce Store with WhatsApp

OTP Verification

Confirm orders with one time password using WhatsApp

Order Notifications

Keep your customers informed with every update on their orders, and increase brand loyalty.

Abandoned Cart

Recover lost sales and increase revenue, with abandoned cart series messages.

Login with OTP

Allow customers to login with just an OTP on your store, so that they do not have to remember passwords.

Low Stock Notifications

Notify admin when stock of any product reaches below threshold inventory quantity.

WhatsApp Chat Button

Add a WhatsApp Chat Button on your store

Drive Business Growth using Conversational AI

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Provide support on your customer’s favorite app, and improve your CSAT scores.​

Personalize Marketing

Give your customers a better experience with personalized offers and messages that build a better rapport and repeat business.

Automate sales & support

Get an intelligent chatbot with pre-made ecommerce templates to automate sales & support.

One Customer One Thread

Get all messages in a single thread from all channels, so that you do not have to search at different platforms.

No Code Implementation

Install our Shopify App, so that you do not have to worry about integrating API's, and you can focus on other areas of your business.

Contextual Communication

Loop in an agent when required without losing the context of the conversation.